5 Basic Requirements to Become a Thekedar in India

Thekabook Team
October 3, 2022

Visit any construction site in any part of our country, you will spot that one super active person. This one has a bird’s eye view of everything going on at that site. Guess who this superhuman is? It's a contractor or most commonly known as a thekedar in India.

In a construction business, everything starts from execution. There is a lot of paperwork already involved so when the first laying of the foundation actually takes place, is when one can officially think of starting a construction project. Then comes the tough task of managing the team of labourers, electricians, plumbers, suppliers, logistics and anything and everything related to that construction project. There can be subcontractors too.

1. Formal Education:

Although there is a peculiar image about contractors that they're not formally educated, this isn't the case. One requires a simple degree or diploma in civil engineering. One needs to study subjects related to construction, materials and alike. This is the first step to becoming a thekedar. Although this isn't always required, a formally trained person has an extra edge to deal with business in an organised way. Good Accountancy and knowledge of tools like MS Excel is also a key skill required while managing a site.

2. Registration & licensing:

Depending upon the level of expertise, one needs to register one’s company in the public works department. As per the class or category, the application and paperwork is carried on accordingly. One must check state specific laws and guidelines. Thereafter one gets the licence to bid or file tenders for construction projects.

3. Financial investment:

There are certain monetary norms too for becoming a construction contractor or a thekedar in India. Certain amount needs to be deposited with the regulatory authority and in the bank as a fixed deposit. Besides this, heavy equipment and machinery is required to carry out work. The efficient management of these machines, their maintenance, repair, renting would require inflow of money. Added to that is the residential expenses of the watchmen and labourers involved.

4. Skills and expertise:

Often full marks on the report card do not reflect in the general smartness of the individual. Being a contractor would require one to always be aware of all the minute details. On a construction site, there can be chances of complete chaos of logistics, labourers, masons, materials, etc. A contractor needs to be vigilant enough to manage materials and men effectively. This skill will increase over time and experience.

5. Contacts & communication skills:

A contractor can scale his or her annual income basis the kinds of contacts he or she acquires. A great communication can handle the worst of situations and help get better business deals. If one is really interested in becoming a thekedar, he or she needs to be a great communicator, manage a plethora of contacts. This will not just scale his profits but get a better team to work with.

These were a few basic requirements to become a thekedar in India. One must be updated with laws and licensing which will further help in starting the journey towards construction management. Nowadays there are multiple apps too to help you manage your work. Have you tried Thekabook App yet?